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Publication Issue Title
Community psychology in global perspective Vol 11, No 1 (2025): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Volunteerism across institutionalization, space and time: The Three-Dimensional Framework and a multilevel research agenda for community psychology Details  PDF
Francesco Tommasi, Anna Maria Meneghini, Federica de Cordova

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 44(2021) Totemismo e cultura dialettale. Alcune evidenze a partire dal repertorio paremiologico e fraseologico siciliano Details  PDF
Francesco Scaglione

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 16, No. 2 (2023). Special Issue on: "Labour conflict, forms of organization and class" Time, Discipline and Subjectivity: Performing Arts Worker Mobilisations in Italy during the Pandemic Details  PDF
Francesco Campolongo, Francesco E. Iannuzzi

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 20 - Gennaio-Giugno 2024 The teaching body: a new experimental method of immersive teaching between technologies and corporeity Details  pdf
Santolo Ciccarelli, Francesco Vincenzo Ferraro

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 8, No. 1 (2015). Special issue: New Perspectives on Party Politics On Political Parties in Contemporary Democracies: From the classic perspective to the current debate Details  PDF
Francesco Raniolo, Lorenzo Viviani, Marco Damiani

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 13, No 3 (2020): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (Special Issue: Work and Organizational Psychology) Teacher Stress and burnout: a study using MIMIC modelling Details  pdf
Maria Luisa Pedditzi, Eraldo Francesco Nicotra, Marcello Nonnis, Paola Grassi, Claudio Giovanni Cortese

Interdisciplinary Political Studies Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Civil Wars, Insurgencies, Armed Politics Armed Political Orders through the Prism of Arms: Relations between Weapons and Insurgencies in Myanmar And Ukraine Details  pdf
Francesco Buscemi

Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis Vol 9, No 4 (2016): Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (Special Issue inspired by the Conference " IES 2015") The model of multiple correspondence analysis for customer segmentation in large retail groups Details  pdf
Fabio Manca, Antonella Massari, Francesco Girone

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 17 - Luglio-Dicembre 2022 The educational role of corporeity and dance Details  pdf
Francesca Marra, Francesco Tafuri, Emma Saraiello

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 53 (2022) Os marcadores discursivos interacionais no discurso especializado web-mediated Details  PDF
Gian Luigi De Rosa, Francesco Morleo

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 17 - Luglio-Dicembre 2022 Il cammino dell’inclusione e la sfida del digitale Details  pdf
Francesca Finestrone, Alessia Scarinci, Valentina Berardinetti, Francesco Pio Savino

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 10, No 2 (2024): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Citizens’ sustainable engagement in Citizen Social Science (CSS) projects: The experience of the YOUCOUNT project Details  PDF
Fortuna Procentese, Flora Gatti, Francesco Giudice, Giada Al Kasasbeh, Yuri Autorino

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 15 (2015) Le concordanze devianti nel portoghese popolare brasiliano (PPB). Il caso del parlato filmico dei favela movies e dei sertão movies nel Korpus PE/PB Unisalento Details  pdf
Francesco Morleo

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 11 (2014) La business fable come strumento formativo aziendale: Who moved my cheese? di Spencer Johnson e il tema del cambiamento Details  pdf
Francesco Pierini

Interdisciplinary Political Studies Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Special Issue: Governments Expand, Parliaments Go Virtual: The Impact of the Pandemic on Political Institutions Executive Power and Accountability in Italy and the Government’s Response to Covid-19 Details  pdf
Francesco Bromo, Paolo Gambacciani, Marco Improta

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 17 - Luglio-Dicembre 2022 Saperi e competenze in una modalità ecosistemica di funzionamento - Knowledge and competencies in ecosystem functioning Details  pdf
Francesco Bearzi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 53 (2022) Terminological variations on innovative financing platforms. A corpus-based study of crowdfunding terminology. Details  PDF
Francesco Nacchia

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 2 (2021). Special Issue on: "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa" & "The value of the city. Rent extraction, housing and conflicts for the use of urban space" Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa. Global Politics, Protesting and Knowledge Production in the Region and Beyond Details  PDF
Paola Rivetti, Francesco Cavatorta

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 13, No. 1 (2020). Special Issue on:“The Cultural Side of Populism” & “Rethinking Money, Rebuilding Community” Joo Y. M., (2018), Megacity Seoul: Urbanization and the De-velopment of Modern South Korea, Routledge Details  PDF
Francesco Palmia

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 1 (2021). Special Issue on: "Covid-19 and the Structural Crisis of Liberal Democracies" Is Democracy Effective against Coronavirus? An Analysis of Citizens' Opinions in Italy Details  PDF
Marco Maraffi, Simona Guglielmi, Ferruccio Biolcati, Antonio M. Chiesi, Giulia M. Dotti Sani, Riccardo Ladini, Francesco Molteni, Paolo Segatti, Cristiano Vezzoni, Andrea Pedrazzani

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 1 (2021). Special Issue on: "Covid-19 and the Structural Crisis of Liberal Democracies" Covid-19 Pandemic and the Fiscal Strategy of the International Monetary Fund: Towards New Directions in the Global Political Economy? Details  PDF
Francesco Amoretti, Adriano Cozzolino, Diego Giannone

Partecipazione e conflitto Vol 13, N. 2 (2020). Special Issue:The strategic role of public sector communication in the framework of open government Nadia Urbinati (2019) Me the people. How Populism Transforms Democracy. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press. Details  PDF
Francesco Maria Scanni

Mizar. Costellazione di pensieri N. 18 - Gennaio-Giugno 2023 Digital literacy e digital divide: due facce della stessa medaglia Details  Untitled pdf
Francesco Pio Savino, Alessandro De Santis, Emanuele D'Emilio, Domenico Monacis

Ithaca: Viaggio nella Scienza n. 12, anno 2018 - Gravità Alla ricerca dei pianeti extrasolari  PDF
Francesco De Paolis, Achille Nucita, Gabriele Ingrosso, Francesco Strafella, Domenico Licchelli

LEbiotec VI edizione. Abstract Book LEbiotec - Abstract Book. VI Edizione Shrimp processing waste as a source of antioxidant molecules for the pharma industry: a focus on green extraction strategies  PDF
Federica Mancarella, Francesco Milano, Paola Semeraro, Serena Perrone, Francesco Messa, Gabriella Chieffo, Maria Giulia Lionetto, Maria Elena Giordano, Ludovico Valli, Livia Giotta

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