The Efficiency of the municipal waste management model in the Italian Municipalities


The role played by Public Administration in producing  local public services has been modified. This is due to the increasing of complex necessities and to the progressive evolution of the society.  So nowadays the Government is responsible for providing fundamental services in the life of any individual citizen. (Spallini S. 2014)

Nevertheless in a time of recession there is a lack of financial resources.

To combine these two conflicting factors the PA must be efficient in producing public services.

The production of public services must be rationalized by adopting more efficient management models (Rhys A., Entwiste T. 2014).

The aim of this paper is to analyse the efficiency of management in the municipal waste service in Italian cities and find a connection between the levels of efficiency and the management model adopted by the city.

This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis to calculate a score for efficiency and to investigate the economies of scale in reference to management models used.

We find a positive relation between dimension and efficiency, as we found more efficient management models with public capital or mixed public-private than those with only private equity capital.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v9n4p688

Keywords: Efficiency analysis, DEA, public services, waste management


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