Basu-Dhar's bivariate geometric distribution in presence of censored data and covariates: some computational aspects


Some computational aspects to obtain classical and Bayesian inferences for the Basu and Dhar (1995) bivariate geometric distribution in presence of censored data and covariates are discussed in this paper. The posterior summaries of interest are obtained using standard existing MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) simulation methods available in popular free softwares  as the OpenBugs software and the R software. Numerical illustrations are introduced considering simulated and real datasets showing that the use of discrete bivariate distributions may be a good alternative to the use of continuous bivariate distributions, in many areas of application.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v11n1p108

Keywords: Basu-Dhar distribution; censored data; covariates; maximum likelihood estimates; Bayesian estimates.


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