An efficient gene selection method for high-dimensional microarray data based on sparse logistic regression


Gene selection in high-dimensional microarray data has become increasingly important in cancer classification. The high dimensionality of microarray data makes the application of many expert classifier systems difficult.
To simultaneously perform gene selection and estimate the gene coefficients
in the model, sparse logistic regression using L1-norm was successfully applied in high-dimensional microarray data. However, when there are high
correlation among genes, L1-norm cannot perform effectively. To address
this issue, an efficient sparse logistic regression (ESLR) is proposed. Extensive applications using high-dimensional gene expression data show that our
proposed method can successfully select the highly correlated genes. Furthermore, ESLR is compared with other three methods and exhibits competitive
performance in both classification accuracy and Youdens index. Thus, we
can conclude that ESLR has significant impact in sparse logistic regression
method and could be used in the field of high-dimensional microarray data
cancer classification.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v10n1p242

Keywords: Lasso; microarray data classification; gene selection; sparse logistic regression


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