On the interpretation and estimation of the market model R-square


The R-square of the market model is largely employed in finance and accounting studies as a measure of stock price informational efficiency. Individual firms R-squares are usually aggre-gated at the country-level by using the individual firm total risk over the country total risk as weighting factor. This paper shows how to interpret the country-level R-square as a Chisini mean of the individual firms R-square and under what conditions it may be related to the R-square of a Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) model. In particular we show that a necessary constrain is that returns must be centered on zero, which appears to be in this context not only a common practice but also a methodological issue.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v6n1p57

Keywords: R-square, market model, informational efficiency, SUR model, Chisini mean


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