The effects of school-based management and standards-based accountability on student achievement: evidence from PISA 2006


This paper provides new evidence on the effects of School-Based Management and Standards-Based Accountability, separately and jointly, on student achievement. The data used in the analysis comes from PISA 2006 that assesses the performance in reading, mathematics and science of around 400.000 15 year-olds-students from 57 countries. We build a Structural Equation Model to investigate the relationship between student achievement and the other latent variables. Our findings indicate that the joint adoption of School-Based Management and Standards-Based Accountability has a significant positive effect on student achievement.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v5n3p381

Keywords: School-Based Management, Standards-Based Accountability, Student Achievement, Structural Equation Model, PISA 2006


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