Civil Society Actors and the Welfare State. A historically-based analytical framework


Civil society actors have always been crucial players in the development of welfare systems. Far before the appearance of the welfare state, the provision of services to those in need was the domain of charities and guilds, and later on of the mutual aid organizations related to the labour movement. To-gether with providing services, civil society actors have exerted political pressure on the state, demanding an enlargement of social rights or challenging the principles of public intervention. Such a relevant role became even more pivotal after the '70s, when the welfare mix model paved the way for the entrance of third sector organizations into public service provision and governance processes. Within this scenario, this article aims to develop a historically-based conceptual framework, through which the huge heterogeneity of civil society actors and functions can be analyzed. The possibility of performing several roles represents an opportunity for civil society actors, but at the same times engenders contradictions and trade-offs for social movements and the third sector.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v12i2p259

Keywords: Third sector; social movements; welfare systems; civil society; contentious politics; service providing


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Articles published in this Special Issue:

Asara V. (2019), “The Redefinition and Co-Production of Public Services by Urban Movements. The Can Batlló Social Innovation in Barcelona”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 539-565.

Bolzoni M. (2019), “Who Shape the City? Non-profit associations and civil society initiatives in urban change processes: role and ambivalences”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 436-459.

Busacca M., F. Zandonai (2019), “Trends and Challenges of the Italian Third Sector in the Field of Community Assets Regeneration. New Convergences between Public Benefit and Social Entrepreneurship”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 513-

Citroni S. (2019), “Gramsci’s Civil Society and the Implicit

Dimension of Politics.. A Case Study”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 487-512.

Jämte J., I. Pitti (2019), “Strategic Interplay in Times of Crisis. Opportunities and chal-lenges for state-civil society interaction during the Swedish “Refugee Crisis” of 2015–2016”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 410-435.

Johansson H., R. Scaramuzzino, and M. Wennerhag (2019), “Social Movements and Interest Groups Compared. How Organisational Type Matters for Explaining Swedish Organisations’ Advocacy Strategies”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 353-381.

Kotronaki L., S. Christou (2019), “(De-)Politicization Trajectories in an Anti-Austerity Contentious Cycle. Social Clinics-Pharmacies Solidarity structures in Greece”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 325-352.

Reggiardo A. (2019), “Distrust and Stigmatization of NGOS and Volunteers at the Time of the European Migrant “Crisis”. Conflict and implications on social solidarity”, Par-tecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 460-486.

Wagenaar H. (2019), “Making Sense of Civic Enterprise. Social Innovation, Participatory Democracy and the Administrative State”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 297-324.

Zamponi L. (2019), “Direct Social Action, Welfare Retrenchment and Political Identities. Coping with the Crisis and Pursuing Change in Italy”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(2): 382-409.

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