
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

* Publication in PACO is free of charge *

Starting from 2014, the journal is published in English and accepts only papers describing original research and studies not published nor currently under review by other journals.

Papers not written in correct English will be returned to the authors.






1. First of all, create your profile on the registration page:

2. Once registered, you can enter the system and select ‘Author’.

3. On the Author’s page, please, click under ‘Start New Submission’

4. On the submission page, select the section you want to submit your paper fully anonymised. Please note that this is relevant to ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review process for this journal; every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. More specifically, authors should check the following:

  • The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc.
  • With Microsoft Office documents, author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
  • With PDFs, the authors' names should also be removed from Document Properties found under File on Adobe Acrobat's main menu.

5. In case your paper is related to a special call for paper, please do not select “Special issue”, but select “Research Articles” and then write in the box ‘Suggested Editors/Comments for the Editor/Suggested Reviewers’ the title of the special issue your paper is related to. Please do not forget to write it in the box.

6. Fill out the checklist and the copyright notice.

7. Save and continue to enter in the Uploading page. Here, select your file by clicking on ‘Browse’ and upload it by clicking on ‘Upload’, before moving to the following page clicking on ‘Save and Continue’

8. In the Submission's Metadata page, you are asked to check your personal information, fill out the box with the title and the abstract, indicate the academic disciplines of your paper as well as the keywords, and provide information on any supporting/funding agency of your research, and a list of the references of the works quoted in your paper. Please remember to upload your paper fully anonymised!

9. After clicking on save and continue, you will enter the ‘supplementary file page’, where you can upload other documents related to your application and that you consider essential for the submission (this is facultative)

10.  After clicking on Save and Continue, you will be redirected to the submission’s confirmation page. Clicking on ‘Finish submission’: you will receive your completed submission confirmation email.



These instructions may sound very bureaucratic but they are designed to make the Journal run efficiently and to facilitate the publication of your article. Moreover, it is rational for you to follow the instructions carefully as it will mean less work for you in the end if your paper is eventually accepted.

Upon acceptance, editors may require additional copy editing.


The total length of your article must not exceed 10,000 words (and not less than 8.000)  and you should print the exact length of your article at the end of the text. Note that the word total includes references, notes, tables, figures and diagrams.

Each printed page of tables, figures and diagrams in the published version of your article, ‘costs’ 475 words from your 10.000 word limit.  If you have six full pages of tables then you will have only 7,150 words left for text, references and notes.



The reference list should include every work cited in the text. Please ensure that dates, spelling and titles used in the text are consistent with those listed in the references.

The content and style of the reference list should conform to the examples below.  Please note that page numbers are required for articles, and both place of publication and publisher are required for books cited. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year, these should be distinguished by using, for example, 2000a, 2000b, etc. Note that only initials are used for first names.

All sources should be identified within the text by the last name of the author, date of publication, and page number. Page numbers must be specified when direct quotations are used. Pagination follows year of publication after a colon and a space. When possible, citations should be placed just before a period or other mark of punctuation. Give both last names for dual authors and use the word "and" not an ampersand (&).

Example: "Multivariate models were tested through the use of logit analysis (Feinberg 1980, 92; Netter and Wasserman 1974, 332)".

When the author's name is mentioned in the text the following forms should be used:
Example: "In a somewhat similar fashion, Kriesi (1991) and Kitschelt (1986) discuss contextual factors deriving from the movement's political environment."

Distinguish multiple references by the same author by adding letters a, b, c, etc., to the year: (Tilly 1995a; 1995b). For more than two authors, give all last names in the first in-text citation (Snow, Rochford, Worden, and Benford 1986, 470) and thereafter use et al.(Snow et al. 1986, 465). Enclose a series of references by different authors within a single pair of parentheses and separate them with a semicolon. When the series includes several references by the same author, separate these references by commas: (Johnston 1991, 1992, 1993; Morris 1986; Aguirre 1995).

Footnotes (not endnotes) should be used, sequentially numbered in the text with superscript arabic numerals.Source citations are made in the text, not in the footnotes. Footnotes will be allowed only for content.

Hyphens and dashes:

Do not hyphenate words at the end of lines. Use hyphens only in compound words. Please use the correct character for dashes as punctuation &emdash; as in asides, parenthetical comments, or afterthoughts. These are to be distinguished from double hyphens like these--which should not be used.

Tables and Figures:

One per page, and located at the end of the manuscript, numbered consecutively. Indicate the location in the text with "Table 1 about here." Each table must include a descriptive title and column headings. Footnotes to tables should be headed, "Note" or "Notes," and specific notes referred to with a, b, c, etc. Use asteriks to indicate levels of significance; for example, * <.05, ** <.01, ***< .001. Illustrations, diagrams and charts should be referred to as "Figures" in the text. Upon acceptance, they must be camera-ready, and not need further artwork or typesetting.

All source citations in the text must be entered alphabetically in a separate, double-spaced section, entitled REFERENCES, placed at the end of the manuscript. The reference section must be complete and include only references actually cited in the text. The use of "et al." is not acceptable. Please list the names of all authors. For titles of articles, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (except prepositions, conjunctions, and articles in the body of the title see below). Because titles of books and journals are printed in italic, editors request that authors use italics (not underlining) in the reference section. If appropriate, include the original year of publication.


Muzafer S. (1966) [1936], The Psychology of Social Norms, New York: Harper.

Olson M. (1968), The Logic of Collective Action, New York: Shocken Books.

Gamson W.A., B. Fireman, and S. Rytina (1982), Encounters with Unjust Authority, Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.


Chorev N., S. Babb (2009), “The Crisis of Neoliberalism and the Future of International Institutions: A Comparison of the IMF and the WTO”, Theory and Society, 38(5): 459-484.


Goldstone J., T.R. Gurr, and F. Moshiri (eds. 1991), Revolutions of the Late Twentieth Century, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Melucci A. (1988), "Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements", in B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow (eds.), International Social Movement Research, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 329-348.


Gerber B. (2003), Spring antiglobalization Mobilizations. Revised may 2, 2003, Retrieved June 15, 2003 (


VERY IMPORTANT: If English is not your first language, you should have your manuscript proofread by a professional editor before submission. Clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus facilitate the peer review process.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Have you included your abstract (150/200 words)?

  2. Have you put your five keywords in alphabetical order?

  3. Are the DATES consistent between the text and the references?

  4. Are all the references, which are cited in the TEXT actually in the list of references?

  5. Are all the REFERENCES actually mentioned in the TEXT?

  6. Have you checked that you have spelled out acronyms the first time they are used in the text?

  7. If your first language is not English, have you sought the advice of either a native English speaker or someone who is very fluent in written English?

  8. Have you fully anonymised your article?


  9. You have done all of this? Thanks for your help and for contributing to PACO - Partecipazione e Conflitto!

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with PACO agree to the Creative Commons Attribution-Non commercial-Share alike 3.0 Italian License

Copyrights of each article are hold by the University of Salento.

PACO allows author(s) to retain publishing rights under permission of the Editorial Staff. But Authors are requested to always indicate that the first version of the article has been published in "Partecipazione e conflitto".


Privacy Statement

Informativa sulla privacy

L'utente autorizza l'Università del Salento al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi della Legge 196/03 e successive modifiche ed integrazioni.

I nomi e gli indirizzi email inseriti in questo sito saranno utilizzati esclusivamente per gli scopi dichiarati e non verranno resi disponibili per nessun altro uso.

Privacy Statement

The user authorizes the University of Salento to process personal data in accordance with D.Lgs. June 30, 2003, No. 196 and subsequent changes.

The names and email addresses entered in this site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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e-ISSN: 2035-6609