Who Did Participate in the Online Primary Elections of the Five Star Movement (M5S) in Italy? Causes, Features and Effects of the Selection Process


This research would analyze causes, characteristics and consequences of online primary elections organized by Five Star Movement (M5s), in December 2012, to select its MPs candidates. In particular, present work considers all the phases of this specific example of candidates selection process. Based on original and empirical data collected by C&LS research team, the work can be divided into four parts: after a general introduction, the article focuses its attention on the rules of the game (selectorate and candidacy rules) and measures the inclusion/exclusion level of the process, according to the scheme used by Reuven Hazan. So, this electoral study deals with the participation level and the voting distribution: how many people took place in the candidates selection process? How much “attractive” was the primary election and what was the level of competitiveness among candidates? The next part underlines the socio-graphical characteristics of the aspires MPs: who were the candidates and among these, what was the best candidates’ profile? What were the variables that took some candidates to a successful results and other candidates to the in-success? Finally, what are the consequences of this specific case of primary elections?

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v7i1p170

Keywords: Five Star Movement; Movimento 5 Stelle; M5S; Internet; political parties; participation; primary elections


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