Human Resources Practices Management and Job Satisfaction: the Moderating Role of Seeking Challenges. A Longitudinal Study Through PLS-SEM


The current labour market needs sustainable organisations in human, technological and environmental terms. The rapid transformations that take place on a daily basis, and the constant search for personnel with transversal competences, lead to a rethinking of the resources needed for the development of organisations and organizational well-being. The objective of this research is to analyse the impact of Human Resources Management practices on job satisfaction and on the moderator role of proactive seeking challenges skills on this relationship. The study was carried out on 152 subjects, about 60% female and 40% male, with prevalent age in the class between 35 and 50 years. The results obtained by means of non-parametric Structural Equation Models (PLS-SEM) indicate that Human Resources practices showed a positive relationship with proactive challenge seeking behaviour (job crafting)
and job satisfaction at Time 2. The estimates were validated by bootstrap resampling performed through 1000 resubmissions. In addition, the study highlights the moderating role of seeking challenges in the relationship between Human Resources Management practices and job satisfaction. The evidence provide important reflection, as it leads to rethinking strategically the adoption of appropriate practices to manage the workforce, ensuring personal growth and quality of organizational life and well-being.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v16n1p25

Keywords: HRM practices; job crafting; seeking challenges; job satisfaction; PLS-SEM; longitudinal; moderation


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