Two is worse than one. The mediating role of precariousness of life in the association between qualitative job insecurity and distress among Italian temps


Nowadays, the labour market’s instability and flexibility has led to increased feelings of uncertainty, insecurity and precariousness in the workforce. With respect to psychological health, to date studies focused mainly on the consequences of the fear of losing the job as a whole (i.e. quantitative job insecurity), in comparison to the consequences of threat of losing valued job features (i.e. qualitative job insecurity). Understanding the psychological mechanisms that explain the process of stress experiences, deriving from qualitative job insecurity, may contribute to identify how to promote healthier workplaces. The present study aimed to examine the mediating role of precariousness of life in the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and mental distress, i.e. emotional exhaustion and psychological symptoms. Precariousness of life is a pervasive syndrome among temporary employees affecting their daily life. The Conservation Of Resources (COR) and dual labour market theories were used as theoretical framework to draw the research hypotheses. The sample was composed of 272 white and blue collar Italian temporary employees. The results of structural equation modelling revealed that qualitative job insecurity was positively and significantly related to emotional exhaustion and psychological symptoms. Furthermore, these relationships were mediated by precariousness of life: Goodness of fit indices of mediation model was satisfactory and indirect effects were significant, therefore supporting our hypotheses. This study provided additional evidence to the literature concerning job insecurity as it focused on temporary workers, examining the effect on mental health by qualitative job insecurity via precariousness of life. Practical implications were discussed.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v13n3p634

Keywords: Qualitative job insecurity; precariousness of life; emotional exhaustion; psychological symptoms; temporary employees; mediation analysis


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