Using SEM-PLS and Fuzzy logic to determine the influence of Uncertainty Avoidance and Accreditation cost on Strategic Intention


Gaining accreditation from international bodies will improve university reputation, image and the scientific research quality. As the observation from scholars, the Jordanian private universities seems to have an ambiguity in the strategic intention towards international accreditation also Jordanian HEIs were not aware of any suitable strategy formulation and implementation framework, which could be suitable for their peculiar environment. The objective of this study is to explore what factors may influence the strategic intention to go for international accreditation within the perspective of Jordanian private universities. The researcher hypothesis that uncertainty avoidance and accreditation cost has a significant relationship with strategic intention to go for international accreditation. A survey was conducted on population of 593 personals in 17 Jordanian Private Universities. Data were collected via questionnaire from University president, vise president, Dean, head of departments and professors. WarpPLS version 3.0 structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data and the relationships and effects among the variables based on hypotheses. In addition, fuzzy logic employed for model simulation regarding the relationship among the constructs. In particular, the research will interpret the models based on four conditions, which capture alternative interpretations of the dependencies, combining quantitative and qualitative information.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v9n3p454

Keywords: PLS; Fuzzy Logic; Accreditation; Quality Assurance; Strategic Intention; Institutional Invironment


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