Geometric programming approach in multivariate stratified sample surveys in case of non-response


This paper provides an attempt to utilize the geometric programming approach in multivariate stratified sample surveys in case of non-response. The problem has been solved in two phases. In first phase the multivariate stratified sample surveys in case of non-response has been formulated as geometric programming problem (GPP) and the solution is obtained. The obtained solution is the dual solution of the formulated GPP. In second phase with the help of dual solutions of formulated GPP and primal-dual relationship theorem the optimum allocation of sample sizes of respondents and non respondents are obtained. A numerical example is given to illustrate the procedure.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v8n1p28

Keywords: geometric programming, convex programming, non-response, optimum allocation, multivariate stratified sampling.


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