e-ISSN: 2611-3775
DOI Code: 10.1285/i26113775n6
Questions and problems contained in this volume was firstly discussed at the EASA 2020 Conference in Lisbon, entitled "New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe". Though all the Conference was celebrated in an online version, the Panel P122 "Bio-cultural heritage ad communities of practice: rethinking participatory processes in rural territorial development as a multidisciplinary fieldwork" offered the opportunity to present and passionately discuss several cases and themes showing the added value of disciplinary cooperation for interpreting as well as planning strategies to support communities and enhancing territories through the joint action of expert researchers and local stakeholders aiming at participatory and shared goals of development. This publication, aroused from this conference occasion, has been developed and enriched across the months through the contribution of some special multidisciplinary addressing topics and methodologies connected: first of all the Erasmus Plus Project EARTH – Education Agriculture Resources for Territories and Heritage and the different research-actions of the Centre of Research "BIOCULT - Biocultural Heritage and Local Development" of the University of Molise, engaged since 2015 in an articulated plan of shared researches on a multi-situated, multidisciplinary and multi-actors embedded analysis as well as oriented to sustainable, critical and deeply community-based projects of development.
Table of Contents
Frontespizio e pagine iniziali |
1-4 |
Preface |
Angelo Belliggiano |
13-14 |
Bio-cultural Heritage and Communities of Practice. Participatory Processes in Territorial Development as a Multidisciplinary Fieldwork |
Letizia Bindi |
15-36 |
Transitions and participatory processes on the local |
37-38 |
From matters of fact to matters of concern: Conserving Biodiversity in landscapes of (be)longing |
Oliver Müller |
39-66 |
TrasiMemo. Banca della memoria del Trasimeno |
Cinzia Marchesini, Daniele Parbuono |
67-90 |
Ways of Saint James in the region of Tâmega e Sousa: proposals of patrimonial valorisation of the Resende Way |
Pedro Azevedo |
91-108 |
Redes y dinamización territorial como factores clave para la valorización del patrimonio biocultural |
Giovanni Belletti, Claudia Ranaboldo, Paola Scarpellini, Sara Gabellini, Silvia Scaramuzzi |
109-138 |
An approach to winemaking in Colombia from the perspective of tourism and culture |
Wladimir Mejia Ayala |
139-166 |
Sustainable rural development between tradition and innovation: a focus on pastoralism |
167-168 |
Contemporary aspects of pastoralism - between economy and cultural heritage. Examples from the Silesian Beskid Mountains (Poland) |
Kinga Czerwinska |
169-190 |
Voci del Molise. Anthropological perspectives for participatory development |
Jacopo Trivisonno |
191-208 |
Romanian transhumance: from enduring folk mythology to contemporary cultural and biological heritage |
Ioana Baskerville |
209-230 |
Creativity and social innovation in regeneration of rural and montainous territories |
231-232 |
Alla ricerca della cultura: valorizzare la cultura come fattore di sviluppo delle comunità rurali del Trentino |
Ivo Povinelli, Chiara Dallapè, Lorenzo Baratter, Roberta Raffaetà |
233-252 |
Vivace, Largo, Andante, Allegro ma non troppo. Creativity and rural regeneration in four movements |
Letizia Bindi |
253-304 |
Postfazione |
Giovanni Belletti |
305-311 |
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e-ISSN: 2611-3775