Politica linguistica, democrazia e plurilinguismo: quali prospettive?


From the point of view of political philosophy, the relationship between literacy and democracy appears quite problematic, if the issue of linguistic diversity is set aside. The debate between equalitarian liberals and multiculturalists emerging with the rise of multiculturalism as a theoretical paradigm has highlighted that the historical affirmation of the Western nation-state has been built upon the negation of internal linguistic diversity, favoring some languages over others, a trend which has not lost its strength with the advent of democracy. However, one of the main results of such debate, largely indebted to the Rawlsian conception of justice, has been seemingly the idea that the extended promotion of plurilingualism (that is, a kind of promotion which does not aim to support second or third language acquisition only for the benefit of the so called ‘minority’ or ‘disadvantaged’ groups and languages) could not be a viable alternative for contemporary democratic theory to ameliorate its performance. Drawing upon the field of language policy, this article envisages showing that such a result is tied to a certain number of theoretical assumptions concerning language, which are controversial both in political philosophy and in linguistic theory. In the final section, the article tries to provide some suggestions to develop a reflection more open towards the extended promotion of plurilingualism and to acknowledge the human ability to learn more than one linguistic code.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v41p81

Keywords: literacy; democracy; linguistic diversity; political theory; language policy


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