La media literacy come supporto all’apprendimento della lingua


While in the 90s the New London Group advocated a definition of literacy that takes into account modes of expression other than written, today the comparison of different cultures (Cole, 1996) makes it more essential than ever to reflect on what kind of literacy enables integration into contemporary Western societies.We propose some ideas developed within the Italian L2 classes for refugees and asylum seekers from the DiCO education project, which is committed to promoting the research and the implementation of discoveries in contemporary glottodidactics research studies through training, workshops and innovative teaching and learning materials.The paper aims at both investigating the notion of literacy itself and illustrating some insights on possible digital literacy (Buckingham 2015) paths parallel to traditional literacy acquisition ones, with particular focus on the so-called media-literacy (ibid.) as a means to support learning and teaching.Some hands-on examples will be provided throughout the paper, presenting smartphone built- in features that, by changing the shape of the educational content (Pireddu, Maragliano 2012), facilitate language acquisition of adult learners with low education. The research results lead to reflecting on the potential role of media literacy in the development of learners’ autonomy.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v41p249

Keywords: Media Literacy; Mobile-learning; Language Acquisition; Multilingualism; Digital Literacy


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