Fenomenologia e apprendimento: note per la costruzione di un lessico fenomenologico ad orientamento pedagogico = Phenomenology and learning: notes for the construction of a pedagogically oriented phenomenological lexicon


In this essay, through the analysis of several phenomenological lexicons (living consciousness, reduction, epoché, intentionality...), a careful investigation is proposed within the field of education in order to explore those educational practices that go beyond mere phenomena and examine the intentions, the reasons behind actions. A study of the "living experience" in a phenomenological sense is presented. In order to outline a phenomenology of learning whose aim is not to generalize from the particularity of a given experience, but to reveal its essential character.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXVIIIn107p169

Keywords: Analysis; Living Consciousness; Reduction; Epoché; Intentionality

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