Fenomenologia esperienziale e fenomenologia sperimentale. Paolo Bozzi e Husserl = Experiential Phenomenology and Experimental Phenomenology. Paolo Bozzi and Husserl


The paper aims to show the compatibility of experiential and experimental phenomenology by comparing Paolo Bozzi and Husserl. The main points on which the argument is founded are three: the priority of the manifest image over the scientific image, the overcoming of the myth of the stimulus (thus both of metaphysical realism and of the reductionism or eliminativism of the mental), and the complexity of the given. A radical philosophy of experience emerges, a position shared unreservedly by both Husserl and Bozzi.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXVIIIn107p43

Keywords: Paolo Bozzi; Husserl; Experiential Phenomenology; Experimental Phenomenology; Perception

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