Holomorphic functions on C<sup>I</sup>, I uncountable


In this article we show that H( C<sup>I</sup>), the (Fréchet) holomorphic functions on C<sup>I</sup>, is complete with respect to the topologies τ<sub>0</sub>, τ<sub>w</sub> and τ_δ. The same result for countable I is well known (see [2]) since in this case C<sup>I</sup> is a Fréchet space. The extension to uncountable I requires a different approach.For the compact open topology τ<sub>0</sub> we use induction to reduce the problem to the countable case.Next we use the result for τ<sub>0</sub> to reduce the problem for τ<sub>w</sub> and τ_δ to the case of homogeneous polynomials.Using a method developed for holomorphic functions on nuclear Fréchet spaces with a basis and, once more,the result for the compact open topology we complete the proof for τ<sub>w</sub> and τ_δ. We refer to [2] for background information.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15900932v10supn1p65

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