Parametric clustering nell’acquisizione di Pro-drop in l2. Il parametro del soggetto nullo nell’italiano L2


This paper explores the idea of parametric clustering in Second Language Acquisition, specifically concerning the case of Pro-drop in Italian L2. The experiment hereby proposed aims at exanimating the cluster of properties related to the Parameter taken into account and how these affect L2 learners with a diametrically opposed Pro-drop parametric value in their L1. It consists in testing how French and German learners interpret non-explicitly related phenomena in Italian L2, such as subject-verb inversion, expletive subjects, that-trace effect. The results lead to new questions concerning the existence of a clustered transfer of properties in Second Language Acquisition.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v33p145

Keywords: Pro-drop Parameter; Italian L2; Second Language Acquisition; Universal Grammar; Parametric clustering.


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