Interferencias colocacionales en construcciones con verbo de apoyo + sustantivo entre lenguas fines


Abstract – This work deals with the collocational interferences to which the supporting verbs give rise between similar languages in the codifying of high frequency words.  In verb nominal constructions the role that the supporting verbs have from the lexical point of view is only apparently void, given that a supporting verb, from this prospective, is only a verb with the required meaning to be combined with predicative nouns. More specifically we want to reflect on the relation between the Italian supporting verb fare and its arguments and counterparts in Spanish from a semantic point of view as, a lack of homogeneity seems evident in respect to the selection, by some nouns belonging to the same lexical field, of the supporting verb.

Keywords: supporting verbs, collocational interferences, similar languages, lexical solidarity, verb nominal constructions

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v11p215

Keywords: Keywords: Supporting verbs; Collocational interferences; Similar languages; Lexical solidarity; Verb nominal constructions.Keywords:supporting verbs; collocational interferences; similar languages; lexicalsolidarity; verb nominal constructions


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