After the COVID inshallah. Investigating lags and challenges of WPS Agenda implementation in Morocco


This article aims at describing the political context and the main causes that explain to what extent the WPS agenda does not represent a national priority for decision makers and why the adoption of a NAP is proceeding very slowly in Morocco. Based on a state of the art of the literature on WPS in Morocco and drawn on 15 semi-structured interviews targeting institutional actors, academics and civil society representatives, the study brings out some of the strategic axes that the implementation of the WPS agenda could potentially imply: in terms of internal politics, the implementation of the WPS Agenda and the adoption of a NAP could imply important advancements in terms of fighting against GbV, in preventing conflicts and in the enactement of the transitional justice politics; in terms of international relations, the WPS agenda implies some crucial entaglements related with the peace process between Morocco and Western Sahara as well as with  Algeria and at the same time uncovers Moroccan interests towards the pan-African context.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v8n1p143

Keywords: WPS agenda - Morocco - civil society - transformative agency - human security


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List of Interviews

Interview 1. Founder, Union de l’Action Féminine, 14th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 2. Activist, founder and former president, Union de l’Action Féminine, 24th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 3. Former president and coordinator, Reseau Anaruz-Association Démocratique des femmes du Maroc, 19th September 2020, remotely.

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Interview 4 a. Expert and Founder, Africa Women’s Forum, 18th May 2020, remotely.

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Interview 6. Former ambassador, Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 26th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 7. Expert in Gender and Development, Professor, Fes University Sidi Abdellah, 20th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 8. Expert in Gender issues and Professor, Director of Gender, Education, Literature and Media Centre, Casablanca University, 22th September, remotely.

Interview 9. Head of Human Rights Department, Conseil National pour les Droits de l’Homme (CNDH), 21th September 2020, remotely.

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Interview 11. Former coordinator, Amnesty International MENA regional Office, 25th September 2020, remotely.

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Interview 13. Activist, Fédération de la Ligue Démocratique des droits des femmes, 18th May 2020, remotely.

Interview 14. Official 1, Ministry of Woman, Family, Solidarity and Social Development, remotely.

Interview 15. Official 2, Ministry of Woman, Family, Solidarity and Social Development, remotely.

Conversation with an Activist and Founder of Union de l’Action Féminine, 2nd June 2022, remotely.

Interview 17. Assembly of People’s Representatives, parliamentarian, 9th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 18. CAWTAR, member of the Technical Committee, 9th September 2020, remotely.

Interview 19. African Women’s Forum, regional representative, 15th September 2020, remotely.

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