Typologies of Populism: a Hypothesis Based on Hyperpolitics Methodology


The article proposes an ideological typification of the populisms emerged in North America and Western Europe since 2008, articulating the relationship between populism and ideology through a combination of the Ideational approach and the Discursive-Performative approach. Using the analytic tool of the matrix in the version elaborated by Hyperpolitics, this typification is constructed through a work on some political concepts and the connection between them. The cross-tabulation is useful in order to highlight the presence of three main typologies of populisms: the productive populism, the nationalist populism, and the citizen populism; the paper also highlights how the ideological mix between authoritarianism and regulation can be seen as a possible evolution of Western populisms.





DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v7n2p9

Keywords: Populism Ideology Hyperpolitics Democracy Capitalism


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