Ups and Downs of NATO-Russia Relations: a Cognitivist Perspective


This article explains the recursive tendency to develop inimical relations between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia by pointing at the incompatibility of their strategic cultures—here understood as broad cognitive frameworks subsuming an actor’s self-perception, worldview, and preferred way to use force. NATO and Russia have defined their roles in world politics, decoded the other’s intentions, and undertaken certain practices on the basis of divergent socio-cognitive assumptions. Incompatible strategic cultures bring about clashing grand strategies and generate conflictual relations. The two actors think differently and therefore read and react to a same situation in divergent ways. As a product of socially-embedded dynamics, NATO-Russia enmity cannot be easily overcome - if not in the long term and via sustained interaction. After presenting their theoretical framework, the authors reconstruct NATO’s and Russia’s strategic cultures, and then discuss the Ukraine crisis as a case study.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v5n2p319

Keywords: NATO; Russia; self-perception; worldviews; strategic culture; cognitivist perspective; Ukraine crisis


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