Revolt, Navigation and Resistance. A Glimpse on the "Boko Haram" Conflict in Lake Chad


Purpose of this article is to analyse the role of civilians within the “Boko Haram” terrorism and counter-terrorism dynamic, with special focus on the strategies individually and collectively pursued to navigate between opportunities and constraints of a conflict scenario. Here we will focus on the faction linked to both the Islamic State and to the original founder of the core “Boko Haram” group. The article will discuss the socio-economic landscape of Lake Chad in the years immediately preceding the outbreak of the conflict, providing insights on the precarious governance balance regulating access to lands, fishing areas, farming and cattle driving. The analysis will outline the relational dynamic of mobilization among local youth, bringing to light the economic and political rationality of joining an armed insurrection; a special focus will be dedicated to the importance of ideological commitment and pan-Islamic solidarity in driving individuals towards collective violent actions

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v5n1p23

Keywords: “Boko Haram”; Lake Chad; armed mobilization ; insurgency


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