Participatory processes as a tool for community development: A case study framed in a “clinical community psychology”


The community represents a fundamental aspect of the human experience. However, contemporary communities face a range of stressors that, over time, can lead to significant transformations, engendering uncertainty and fostering the rise of distrustful and individualistic attitudes. This case study aimed to synthesize insights from clinical psychology and community psychology to promote a participatory decision-making process in a small town in Lazio. We conducted interviews with key community stakeholders (n=17) and organized focus groups (n=6). The transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed using Elementary Contextual Thematic Analysis, which facilitated the identification of six thematic clusters, subsequently interpreted through Emotional Textual Analysis (ETA). The texts from the focus groups underwent inductive thematic analysis, revealing five salient themes. This research phase informed the design of an intervention aimed at revitalizing the network of relationships within the community, thereby providing individuals with opportunities to cultivate conditions conducive to collective well-being. The study underscored how the psychodynamic dimension, within a community psychology framework, enhanced the understanding of the subjective and relational dimensions of contexts, enriched capabilities for interaction within group settings, and improved predictive abilities and strategic decision-making.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v11i1p71

Keywords: participatory processes, decision-making processes, community development, clinical community psychology, psychoanalytic perspective


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