The fate of the idea of Recovery today: A user-centred analysis


This perspective piece examines one way, amongst many, in which power works to silence users and survivors of the ‘psy’ disciplines when they begin finding a voice. This is by re-claiming ideas that originated with survivor movements and making them part of mainstream discourses. In the process these ideas and practices are transformed. We can call this ‘co-option’. I take as my example the ‘Recovery Approach’ and address three questions. First, is this approach a ‘normalising’ one? Second, is it claimed to be universal? And finally, what are the different perspectives of researchers, practitioners and service users on this way of dealing with distress? I identify some counter-narratives which bear the seeds of resistance, including from indigenous scholarship. The argument uses a lens of concepts and methods from survivor research.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v8i2p103

Keywords: Recovery, Mental Health, Power, Cooption


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