Towards a community clinical psychology? Insights from a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature


The present systematic review provides a narrative synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature concerning the synergy between community and clinical psychology, with the specific aim of detecting the theoretical, research, and practical basis for the development of a well-integrated community clinical psychology perspective. The authors screened 216 records on the topic, found in major citation databases (PsycArticles, PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science) without time or language restrictions. Six articles addressing the review question were identified and examined through seven conceptual criteria referred to contextual premises, definitions, addressed problems/issues, application areas, reference theoretical models, examined constructs, and required professional competences. The results do not show evidence for a well-integrated community clinical psychological perspective, despite the many synergies between such disciplines on a theoretical and applied level. Community and clinical psychology could thus be further integrated in the future, potentially giving rise to a new and independent field of knowledge to get more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between individuals and social contexts.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v6i2-1p128

Keywords: community psychology; clinical psychology; community clinical psychology; systematic review


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