The ecology of resilience: Predictors of psychological health in youth in Lebanon


Protective processes across levels of an individual’s life influence the likelihood of positive adaptation following adversity. Indicators of resilience are attributes and resources of an individual and the environment that predict positive adjustment. The purpose of this study was to examine the presence of resilience indicators across three ecological levels (individual, familial, environmental) among disadvantaged youth living in Lebanon and to examine whether indicators were associated with psychological well-being and psychological distress. A sample of 187 adolescents ages 15 to 23 completed surveys, and hierarchical multiple linear regressions were conducted to identify variables associated with psychological outcomes. Higher self-efficacy, curiosity, social support, and the availability/involvement with spiritual, cultural, and educational opportunities were related to greater psychological wellbeing. Low self-efficacy was the only indicator that was associated with psychological distress independently above and beyond demographic characteristics. Results support the potential importance of considering resilience indicators across ecological levels for interventions seeking to promote positive psychological outcomes for adolescents in highly stressful contexts.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v4i2p136

Keywords: adolescence, resilience


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