Editorial Team

Editorial Board

  1. Michael Burawoy, University of California - Berkeley, United States
  2. Jorge Capetillo-Ponce, University of Massachusetts - Boston, United States
  3. Fabio de Nardis, University of Salento, Italy
  4. Donatella della Porta, European University Institute, Italy
  5. Mario Diani, University of Trento, Italy
  6. Marcello Fedele, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
  7. David Held, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  8. Thomas Olesen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  9. Abby Peterson, University of Gothemburg, Sweden
  10. Jean-Pierre Reed, University of Southern Illinois, United States
  11. Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento, Italy
  12. Sidney Tarrow, Cornell University, United States
  13. Tommaso Vitale, Sciences Po, Paris, France


  1. Fabio de Nardis, University of Salento, Italy

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e-ISSN: 2239-7434