WP1 Activities – Results and products


WP1 has the major objective to define the state of the art on pressures on the protected transitional ecosystems considered in the TWReferenceNet Project with special reference to Ramsar sites, and to evaluate the resulting vulnerability of those ecosystems. The database focused on environmental features and anthropogenic pressures on major Ramsar protected transitional waters. A total of twentytwo transitional water bodies have been included in the database. The collected information on hydro-morphological, physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic elements of the transitional water bodies in the network was used for the creation of thematic layers by GIS.
WP1 has the major objective to define the state of the art on pressures on the protected transitional ecosystems considered in the TWReferenceNet Project with special reference to Ramsar sites, and to evaluate the resulting vulnerability of those ecosystems. The database focused on environmental features and anthropogenic pressures on major Ramsar protected transitional waters. A total of twentytwo transitional water bodies have been included in the database. The collected information on hydro-morphological, physical, chemical, biological and socio-economic elements of the transitional water bodies in the network was used for the creation of thematic layers by GIS.
WP1 mira a definire lo stato del progresso sulle pressioni degli ecosistemi di transizione protetti, considerati nel progetto TWReferenceNet, con particolare riferimento ai luoghi di Ramsar oltre a valutare la vulnerabilità risultante da questi ecosistemi. La base di dati si occupa delle caratteristiche ambientali e delle pressioni antropogeniche sulle principali acque di transizione protette del Ramsar. Un totale di ventidue corpi di acque di transizione che sono stati inclusi nella base dei dati. Le informazioni raccolte sugli elementi idro-morfologici, fisici, chimici, biologici e socio-economici dei corpi di transizione dell'acqua nella rete sono state usati per la creazione degli strati tematici dal GIS.
WP1 ka nje objektive kryesore per te percaktuar gjendjen e tanishme per trysnite ne ekosistemet e mbrojtura tranzitore te konsideruara ne projektin TWReferenceNet me reference specifike per Zonat Ramsar dhe per te vleresuar prekshmerine qe rezulton te ketyre ekosistemeve. Baza e te dhenave u fokuasua ne karakteristika mjedisore dhe trysnite antropogjene ne ujrat Tranzitore te Mbrojtura Ramsar. Nje total prej 22 trupash ujor jane perfshire ne bazen e te dhenave. Informacioni i mbledhur per elementet hidro-morfologjik, fizik, kimik, biologjik dhe socio-ekonomik te trupave ujore transitore ne rrjet u perdor per krijimin e shtresave tematike me GIS.
WP1 are majoritatea obiectivelor sa defineasca starea si resiunea asupra ecosistemelor tranzitionale protejate cuprinse in proiectul TWReferenceNet cu referinte speciale la situri Ramsar, si sa evalueze vulnerabilitatea rezultata a acestor ecosisteme. Baza de date concentrate pe trasaturi ambientale si presiuni antropogenice pe majoritatea apelor protejate Ramsar. Un total de douazeci si doua de corpuri de apa de tranzitie au fost incluse in baza de date. Colectarea de informatii despre elementele hidromorfologice, fizice, chimice, biologice si socio-economoce ale corpurilor de apa tranzitionale in retea au fost folosite pentru crearea de straturi tematice GIS.
Κύριος αντικειμενικός στόχος του WP1 είναι η περιγραφή της υπάρχουσας κατάστασης όσο αφορά στις πιέσεις που υφίστανται τα προστατευόμενα μεταβατικά οικοσυστήματα που μελετώνται στο Πρόγραμμα TWReferenceNet με ειδική αναφορά στις θέσεις Ramsar, και να εκτιμήσει την συνακόλουθη ευπάθεια αυτών των οικοσυστημάτων. Η βάση δεδομένων εστίασε στα περιβαλλοντικά χαρακτηριστικά και τις ανθρωπογενείς πιέσεις των κύριων μεταβατικών νερών που προστατεύονται από τη συνθήκη Ramsar. Ένα σύνολο είκοσι δύο μεταβατικών υδάτινων σωμάτων περιελήφθησαν στην βάση δεδομένων. Η συλλεχθείσα πληροφορία επί των υδρο-μορφολογικών, φυσικών, χημικών, βιολογικών και κοινωνικο-οικονομικών στοιχείων των μεταβατικών υδάτινων σωμάτων του δικτύου χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την κατασκευή θεματικών χαρτών στο Γεωγραφικό Σύστημα Πληροφοριών.

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