Adjoint symmetries for graded vector fields
Suppose that
is a graded manifold and consider a direct subsheaf
and a graded vector field
, both satisfying certain conditions.
is used to characterize the local expression of
. Thus we review some of the basic definitions, properties, and geometric structures related to the theory of adjoint symmetries on a graded manifold and discuss some ideas from Lagrangian supermechanics in an informal fashion. In the special case where
is the tangent supermanifold, we are able to find a generalization of the adjoint symmetry method for time-dependent second-order equations to the graded case. Finally, the relationship between adjoint symmetries of
and Lagrangians is studied.

DOI Code:
supermanifold; involutive distribution; second-order differential equation field; Lagrangian systems; adjoint symmetry
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