Almost conformal 2-cosymplectic pseudo-Sasakian manifolds
In the last years several papers have been concerned with almost r-contact or r-paracontact manifolds (see [6] and [14]). On the other hand, V.V. Goldberg and R. Rosta have recently studied in [12] almost 1-contact pseudo-Riemannian manifolds which are endowed with a conformal cosymplectic pseudo-Sasakian structure. Since the manifolds M which we are going to discuss are connected and paracompact,we denote by
: exterior product by the closed 1-form
) the cohomology operator (see [13]) on M. Then any form
such that
is said to be
-closed. The present paper is devoted to the study of even dimensional pseudo Riemannian manifolds of signature
which are endowed with an almost conformal 2-cosymplectic pseudo-Sasakian structure. Such a manifold is denoted by
, and its structure tensor fields
are: the paracomplex operator (see [15]), an exterior recurrent (see [9]) 2-form of rank
, two structure vector fields
, two structure 1-forms
is the musical isomorphism [6] defined by g) and the pseudo-Riemannian tensor g of M respectively.

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