A Quantitative Characterization of Some Finite Simple Groups Through Order and Degree Pattern
be a finite group with
, where
are prime numbers and
are natural numbers. The prime graph
is a simple graph whose vertex set is
and two distinct primes
are joined by an edge if and only if
has an element of order
. The degree
of a vertex
is the number of edges incident on
, and the
is called the degree pattern of
. We say that the problem of OD-characterization is solved for a finite group
if we determine the number of pairwise non-isomorphic finite groups with the same order and degree pattern as
. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it completely solves the OD-characterization problem for every finite non-Abelian simple groups their orders having prime divisors at most 17. Second, it provides a list of finite (simple) groups for which the problem of OD-characterization have been already solved.

DOI Code:
Prime graph; degree pattern; OD-characterization
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