Adapting oral markers in mockumentary dubbing: A case study of Modern Family (2009-2020)
Steiner’s view of translation (1975) as a “leap” of faith in the source text on behalf of the translator takes on new complexities when applied to Audiovisual Translation (AVT), an adaptation process which demands a parallel commitment to the translated text on behalf of its user(s). While tele-cinematic products require audiences to suspend their disbelief visually (visual belief), dubbed products go a step further, asking viewers to accept the plausibility of the target language speech delivered on the screen by source language characters (acoustic belief) (Bucaria 2008). This inherent duplicity in dubbing – where seemingly spontaneous speech is, in fact, artificial, characterized by pre-fabricated orality (Romero-Fresco 2009) and, more specifically, by an unnatural use of discourse markers (Sileo 2017, among others) – forms the foundation of this study. The challenge is even greater when considering mockumentaries, which blend fictional narratives with documentary filmmaking techniques. In this regard, the case of Modern Family stands out as a peculiar example: conceived as a simulated docu-reality or mockureality (a mock docu-reality show), it skillfully employs the visual language typical of the genre. Yet, it adheres to scripted scenarios, resulting in what we might term “triple duplicity” inherent in its adaptation: the interplay of scripted spontaneity, mockumentary conventions, and interlingual translation. The aim of this paper is to provide a qualitative analysis of how the adaptors have dealt with the complex challenges of “triple duplicity”, with a focus on the transfer of specific “carriers of orality” (Pavesi 2008) from English into Italian.
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