Instabilità del corpo. Tradurre la donna araba negli alfabeti dell’occidente


This essay ties together different notions of translation exploiting the theoretical and practical nexus of translation and migration. Drawing on previous researches on dislocation and relocation, and studying the cultural forms of translation through a line of thinking that connects a very diverse network of scholars, I am proposing an approach to the translation of images, applying it to two documentary films (I Am the Revolution, by Benedetta Argentieri, and Queens of Syria, by Yasmine Fedda), both focused on the figure of the Arab woman through the gaze of Western artists/activists. My purpose consists in trying to identify two strategies of cultural translation as an attempt to articulate a possible grammar of contact in the black Mediterranean of mass migrations.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v52p349

Keywords: cultural translation, documentary film, activism, Black Mediterranean, Arab woman


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