Sintassi delle frasi idiomatiche e delle frasi libere dell’italiano: differenze o similarità?


This study is devoted to the analysis of the similarities and differences between Italian idiomatic constructions and non-idiomatic constructions. Idioms pose many problems as concerns the interaction between syntax and semantics because most literature assigns idioms a special status. Rather, their behaviour is not so different from non-idiomatic constructions, either from a distributional or a transformational point of view. I will present the methodological principles on which I constructed the lexico-grammatical classification of Italian idioms, and I will show that a continuum exists between non-idiomatic and idiomatic constructions. Since most idioms are ambiguous, I will analyze the relationship between ambiguity and communication.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v33p317

Keywords: idioms; free sentences; compositionality; syntactic flexibility; ambiguity


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