Docente di lingua straniera e docente di disciplina in ambiente CLIL. Prospettive a confronto


The paper aims at comparing the data gathered from a questionnaire about teachers’ reactions to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), delivered to 675 Italian foreign language teachers and 822 subject teachers engaged in an online training initiative on CLIL and learning technologies. Among the results, particularly interesting is the subject teachers’ need to be supported by the foreign language teachers especially as far as the subject specific language for CLIL is concerned. The data collected from the questionnaire will be commented on by quoting some of the teachers’ remarks making them the real protagonists of an important process of cultural, pedagogical and didactic innovation. In the background of the paper some of the latest conceptual frameworks on CLIL, with particular reference to the language dimension and a brief overview of the state of the art of CLIL in Italy will be provided.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v26p139

Keywords: CLIL; foreign language; foreign language teacher; subject teacher.


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