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Publication Issue Title
Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 14, No. 2 (2021). Special Issue on: "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa" & "The value of the city. Rent extraction, housing and conflicts for the use of urban space" The Hirak. The Visual Performance of Diversity in Algerian Protests Details  PDF
Valentina Fedele

Quaderni di Matematica Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem. Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem Details  PDF
V. Conserva, F. Fedele

Quaderni di Matematica Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem. Introduzione Details  PDF
V. Conserva, F. Fedele

Quaderni di Matematica Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem. Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem Details  PDF
V. Conserva, F. Fedele

Idee Volume 26/27 (1994) Il "Ritorno al principio" come recupero del fondamento nei "Discorsi" del Machiavelli  PDF
Roberto Fedele

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 3 (2007) Preliminary data on the macrozoobenthos of the Albanian costal lagoons (lagoons of Patok,Karavasta,Natra) Details  PDF
S. Beqirai, M. Pinna, A. Basset, E. Nikleka, B. Fetahu, E. Doka, M. Ismailaj, E. Barbone, F. Sangiorgio, M. Fedele

Quaderni di Matematica Remark on a Browder's fixed point theorem. Bibliography Details  PDF
V. Conserva, F. Fedele

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