Preliminary data on the macrozoobenthos of the Albanian costal lagoons (lagoons of Patok,Karavasta,Natra)


1 - Macrozoobenthic community of three Albanian coastal lagoons (Patok, Karavasta, Narta) has been studied during 2004–2005. 2 - A relatively low number of taxa (40) have been identified 3 - Quantitative assessments, seasonal variations and distribution of the macrozoobenthic community within each lagoon have been analyzed. 4 - There is a slight difference in species number between lagoons, but a considerable difference in species composition between Patok and the two other lagoons. 5 - Preliminary results show a higher uniformity in the distribution of macroinvertebrates in Karavasta Lagoon. The highest seasonal variations in species composition and density have been recorded in the western parts of the lagoons.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i1825229Xv1n3p37

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