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Publication Issue Title
JDREAM. Journal of interDisciplinary REsearch Applied to Medicine Vol. 4, issue 1 (2020) Attitudes, knowledge and Practices of Nurses towards HIV/AIDS Patients. An Observational, Cross Sectional, Multicenter study Details  PDF
Maria Chiara Carriero, Fabiana Stella, Roberto Lupo, Antonino Calabrò, Cosimo Petrelli, Ilenia Pareo, Marco Rizzo, Maicol Carvello, Valeria Archetta, Luana Conte

JDREAM. Journal of interDisciplinary REsearch Applied to Medicine Vol. 5, issue 1 (2021) Attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge of the population on End-of-Life and Advance Treatment Declaration: an observational study in Southern Italy Details  PDF
Antonino Calabrò, Roberto Lupo, Ilaria Bernardini, Ornella De Mitri, Cosimo Caldararo, Marcello Antonazzo, Carmen Donadio, Maicol Carvello, Federica Ilari, Maria Chiara Carriero, Luana Conte

JDREAM. Journal of interDisciplinary REsearch Applied to Medicine Vol. 5, issue 1 (2021) The Eye-tracking technology in the healthcare settings: an observational, cross sectional, multicenter study Details  PDF
Luana Conte, Alessia Lezzi, Roberto Lupo, Simone Zacchino, Antonino Calabrò, Cosimo Petrelli, Cosimo Caldararo, Antonietta Abate, Alessandra Rizzo, Fiorella Fabrizio, Maicol Carvello, Maria Chiara Carriero

Palaver Volume 12 n.s., Issue 2 (2023) Tarantate in manicomio. Storie di donne ricoverate all'Ospedale Psichiatrico Interprovinciale Salentino (Lecce,1900-1950) Details  PDF
Roberto Lupo

JDREAM. Journal of interDisciplinary REsearch Applied to Medicine Vol. 5, issue 1 (2021) The bidirectional interaction between our gut flora and drugs Details  PDF
Luana Conte, Cosimo Caldararo, Roberto Lupo

Palaver Volume 14 n.s., Issue 1 (2025) I tarantati non vanno in manicomio Details  PDF
Roberto Lupo

1 - 6 of 6 Items

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