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Publication Issue Title
Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 7, No. 1 (2014). Special issue: Paths of Research in Religion and Politics Religious World-Denying and Trajectories of Activism in the Field of Strongly-Religious Corporative Actors Details  PDF
Olga Michel

Community psychology in global perspective Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Culture and Community Interactions Considering culture and context when supporting the development of communities Details  PDF
André-Anne Parent, Paule Simard, Manon Roy, Michel O'Neill

Note di Matematica Volume 19, Issue 2 (1999) Fundamental Groups of Fat-graphs Details  PDF
Michel Imbert

Note di Matematica Volume 26, Issue 2 (2006) On Riemann sums Details  PDF
Jean-Jacques Ruch, Michel Weber

MTISD 2008. Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems MTISD 2008. Methods, Models and Information Technologies for Decision Support Systems Logit-based approaches for modelling dominated choice alternatives Details  PDF
Francisco Martinez, Ennio Cascetta, Francesca Pagliara, Michel Bierlaire, Kay W. Axhausen

Carpiniana: a Virtualized Byzantine Crypt Carpiniana: a Virtualized Byzantine Crypt Carpiniana: a Virtualized Byzantine Crypt  PDF
Virginia Valzano, Adriana Bandiera, Jean-Angelo Beraldin, Michel Picard, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Guy Godin

Virtualizing a Byzantine Crypt by Combining High-resolution Textures with Laser Scanner 3D Data Virtualizing a Byzantine Crypt by Combining High-resolution Textures with Laser Scanner 3D Data Virtualizing a Byzantine Crypt by Combining High-resolution Textures with Laser Scanner 3D Data  PDF
Jean-Angelo Beraldin, Michel Picard, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Guy Godin, Virginia Valzano, Adriana Bandiera, Christian Latouche

Virtual Heritage: the cases of the Byzantine Cript of Santa Cristina and Temple C of Selinunte Virtual Heritage: the cases of the Byzantine Cript of Santa Cristina and Temple C of Selinunte Virtual Heritage: the cases of the Byzantine Cript of Santa Cristina and Temple C of Selinunte  PDF
Jean-Angelo Beraldin, Michel Picard, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Guy Godin, Eric Paquet, Shawn Peters, Marc Rioux, Virginia Valzano, Adriana Bandiera

Segni e comprensione a. XIX n.s., n. 55 (2005) Una vita per la filosofia  PDF
Michel Rybalka

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