a cura di Cosimo Perrotta, Claudia Sunna |
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eISBN: 978-88-8305-097-8
This book derives from a fortunate series of research seminars held at the University of Salento during 2011. They were devoted to the theme “Globalization and Economic Crisis”. The seminars were organized by the two editors, Cosimo Perrotta and Claudia Sunna, and by the Centre for Economic Studies, for the Degree Course of Political Sciences, of the University of Salento.
Those meetings provided a world survey of general processes of globalization together with specific analysis of regional contexts. The latter approach allows to see the effects of these processes in very different national contexts. The collection of all these written texts will be certainly useful to people interested in this topic.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION - Reconstructing the Debate on Globalization: from Optimism to Doubt |
Claudia Sunna |
5-18 |
SECTION I – Theories and Facts |
19-20 |
1. Financial Globalization and Instability of the World Economy |
Toshiaki Hirai |
21-40 |
2. Globalization and Development |
Sunanda Sen |
41-48 |
3. In Defense of Globalization |
George Bitros |
49-72 |
SECTION II – Case Studies |
73-74 |
4. The Self-Trapped Japanese Economy – An Overview |
Toshiaki Hirai |
75-98 |
5. Indian Economy and Society: Globalization and Economic Reforms |
Sunanda Sen |
99-118 |
6. The Origins of Economic Orthodoxy in Mexico |
María Eugenia Romero Sotelo |
119-164 |
7. The Change of Economic Institutions in Mexico: the NAFTA Era from 1983 to 2011 |
Juan Pablo Arroyo Ortiz |
165-188 |
Biographical outline of authors and editors |
189-190 |
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e-ISBN: 978-88-8305-097-8