
It is our great pleasure to introduce the first issue of the Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis: Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation (EJASA:DSS). The Journal has been founded as an expression of the permanent working group of the Italian Statistical Society (Italian: Società Italiana di Statistica, SIS): Statistics for the Evaluation and Quality in Services (Italian: Statistica per la Valutazione dei Servizi, SVQS).

This first issue is inspired by the Conference Innovation & Society 2009 (IES2009) held at University of Brescia, which is the third edition of a biennial meeting organized by the group SVQS.

EJASA:DSS collects articles concerning the application of statistics in the field of Decision Support Systems and Services Evaluation, mainly focusing on the subjects of Education and Training, Bank Services, Tourism, Social Services, Transportation, Enterprise Evaluation, Public Administration, Research Evaluation, Healthcare Services, and Law System.

Papers should contribute to the proper application of both innovative or existing statistical methods. In addition, special issues devoted to specific topics will also be published.

The editorial content follows a double-blind peer-reviewing procedure, which ensures a more efficient selection of the submitted papers.

All the members of the Italian Statistical Society, as well as statistical scientists operating all around the world, are kindly invited to submit their papers for publication. Moreover, publication in EJASA:DSS is free of charge.


Giuseppe Boari (Chief Editor)
Amjad D. Al-Nasser (Founding Editor of EJASA)
Luigi D'Ambra (Coordinator of SVQS)
Enrico Ciavolino (Executive Managing Editor)

DOI Code: 10.1285/i2037-3627v1n1p1

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