ISSN: 2499-1449
DOI Code 10.1285/i24991449n6
Linguistic exchanges between two people can be conceived as processes of continuous negotiation of the message between speakers and their interlocutors. Therefore, communication cannot be defined simply as a transfer of information from an individual A to an individual B, but as a set of linguistic acts that can be analysed from the pragmatic, semantic, and psychological points of view. From a functional and multidimensional perspective, the discursive markers are placed in an area of contact between different linguistic disciplines playing an important role as an empirical basis for testing the interaction between various disciplines (e.g. between pragmatics and semantics and between psychology and semantics). In this Working Paper, the discursive markers of European Portuguese are presented as linguistic devices that work at the textual and interactional levels of discourse, sometimes overlapping these two planes, sometimes distinguishing the subgroup of the discursive connectors and that of the interactional markers. This perspective thus allows the inclusion of empty expressions and interjections into the group of discursive markers and proposes a vision of linguistic production in a textual perspective characterized by a diamesic and diaphasic variation. The analysis is carried out following a pragmatic and interactional approach to present a general framework on these linguistic devices during the production of the message by the speaker and the reception by his interlocutor. Starting from previous works on the discursive markers of Portuguese, in its European and Brazilian variants, and on other European languages, this work proposes a pragmatic-linguistic and interactional consideration to promote a development of interactional linguistic studies about European Portuguese.
Table of Contents
Frontespizio e pagine iniziali |
Francesco Morleo |
1-2 |
Sommario |
Francesco Morleo |
3-4 |
Introduzione |
Francesco Morleo |
6-8 |
I marcatori discorsivi |
Francesco Morleo |
9-24 |
Basi teoriche e metodologia |
Francesco Morleo |
25-38 |
Aspetti semantici dei MD |
Francesco Morleo |
39-60 |
La grammaticalizzazione dei MI |
Francesco Morleo |
61-65 |
I marcatori internazionali nel PE |
Francesco Morleo |
66-85 |
L'interiezione come marcatore internazionale |
Francesco Morleo |
86-98 |
Conclusioni |
Francesco Morleo |
99-103 |
Riferimenti bibliografici |
Francesco Morleo |
104-110 |
Colophon |
Francesco Morleo |
111-112 |
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