Moderating role of intergroup anxiety between life satisfaction and sense of community coherence in a divided society
Intergroup conflict has drawn scholars’ attention in terms of negative experiences which can potentially diminish attitudes towards the opposing group and reconciliation as a whole. However, subjective wellbeing of members of groups in conflict is still at the margins of scholars’ attention. The present study explored the relationship of sense of community coherence and life satisfaction, and the moderating role of intergroup anxiety. The study was conducted in a divided society context among members of the ethnic groups in conflict. The survey was conducted among 441 participants who are members of the groups in conflict, i.e., 202 ethnic Albanians and 239 ethnic Serbs living in Kosovo. The findings indicate that there is a positive relation between sense of community coherence and life satisfaction, which is stronger among those who reported lower levels of intergroup anxiety and weaker among those who reported higher levels of intergroup anxiety. The findings are discussed in terms of theoretical and practical implications for interventions aiming at reconciliation.
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