Globalization, artificial intelligence, social networks and political polarization: New challenges for community psychologists


The aim of this paper is to explore how some macro changes brought about by globalization have created new opportunities, but also difficult problems for community psychologists. (a) Economic changes, which have created new jobs in different areas of the world and promoted the emergence of a “sharing economy”, but also fostered huge disparities both within and across countries. (b) Political changes, such as increased polarization and the growth of nationalist and populist parties, which amplify divisiveness but go along with a transformation of the notion of citizenship and identity. (c) Technological changes brought about by the artificial intelligence revolution, which opens up both opportunities and dangers for job prospects, and by the diffusion of social networks, able of both promoting political participation and increasing political polarization. Finally, aims that community psychologists could pursue to help develop the opportunities and reduce the problems that emerge from these changes are discussed.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v4i1p20

Keywords: globalization; AI; social networks; political polarization; community psychology


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