Le grotte sommerse della costa neretina (Salento, S-E Italia)


Otto cavità sommerse sono state individuate,catastate,e cartografate,lungo la costa neretina (Golfo di Taranto,S-E Italia),dove se ne conoscevano altre 7.Tutte le cavità sono state individuate nei primi 20 m di profondità in tre diversi tratti di costa complessivamente lunghi circa 2 km.Tutte le cavità sommerse hanno scarso (massimo 30 m)ma complicato (a raggera,e su più piani)sviluppo planimetrico. L’erosione da acqua acida (probabilmente sulfurea)ha contribuito alla formazione delle cavità e alla zonazione del benthos che vive sulle pareti.Le concrezioni coralligene hanno contribuito a chiudere o a delimitare gli ingressi.Pseudostalattiti organogene (di natura coralligena)sono state individuate sia a livello degli ingressi che delle aree più interne (agglomerati claviformi di serpulidi tubicoli).
Eight submarine caves have been discovered along the Nardò coastline (S-E Ita- ly)where seven others were already known.All the caves have been individuated above the isobate of -20 m,in three different coastal traits surveyed,for a total length of about 2 Km.All the caves showed a short (maximum 30 m)but complex (star shaped,and on different levels)structural plant.The presence of acid water (possibly sulphuric)contributed to the formation of cavities on the ceiling and to the spatial distribution of the benthos on the cave walls.Coralligenous concretions contrib- uted to limit and/or to close the cave entrances.Organogenic pseudostalactites were present either at the entrances (where they have a coralligenous origin),and at the innermost portions of the caves (where they appeared club shaped and completely formed by strings of tubules of serpulid worms).Due to the conspicuous number of caves found (notwithstanding the survey was space and depth limited)the naturalistic value of the Nardò coastline grew and more detailed analysis become necessary for the evaluation of the ecological importance of the submarine cave importance.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v29supp39

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