Il contibuto di Antonio Lazzari in campo carsico-speleologico


Sulla base delle pubblicazioni presenti nel Centro di Documentazione Speleologica viene ricostruita l’attività di studio dei fenomeni carsici epigei ed ipogei che, per quasi 40 anni,ha rappresentato una porzione sicuramente minoritaria,ma non per questo meno interessante,delle ricerche effettuate dal Prof.Antonio Lazzari. Quasi tutta la sua attività di studi carsici si è concentrata sul carsismo della costa del Salento (Puglia)con particolare riguardo alla Grotta Zinzulusa. È stato anche possibile ricostruire,per sommi capi,i rapporti intercorsi tra il Lazzari la speleologia organizzata e quegli studiosi che,a differenza di lui,avevano dedicato una parte predominante della loro attività all’ambiente carsico:tra questi vanno ricordati Gortani,Ruffo,Anelli e Parenzan.
The analysis of Professor Lazzari's papers,collected in the Italian Speleological Documentation Centre,allowed to state that karst research,even lasted about 40 years,represented just a small corner in his scientific activity,nevertheless it was really interesting.Prof.Lazzari printed some 13 papers on topics related to karst and speleology from 1939 to 1960 but his speleological activity started about 20 years earlier: in fact in 1922,still young student,he took part to the first scienti fic exploration of the Zinzulusa cave.Far the majority of his karst research was dedicated to the coast of Salento (Apulia),with special reference to Zinzulusa cave. The more important aspect of his karst research is represented by his attitude to link strictly geology to speleology:his observation on the importance of the struc- tural settlement in controlling speleogenetic evolution and surface morphology was a very good erception,which was fully accepted only some decades after. The analysis of all his papers dealing with karst and caves made also possible to roughly reconstruct the relationships existing between him and the main other scientists,who dedicated themselves fully to karst research:among them Gortani, Ruffo,Anelli and Parenzan are worth of mention.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v29supp3

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