I sillidi (Annelida, Polychaeta) del litorale brindisino: possibilità di un loro impiego come indicatori di qualità dell\'ambiente
The biodiversity of Syllidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) was examined along the Brindisi coast (Adriatic Sea), an area previously poorly known concerning the Polychaete syntaxon. The finding of 5 species new for the Italian coast was enhanced.Sample period relative to the construction of Cerano power-station, allowed to point out some important changes within syllid assemblages, both in species composition and abundance. These changes were observed proceeding from the Southern area of Cerano to the Northern one. This orizontal gradient overlapped to the "normal" batimetric gradient. Syllid species seem to respond to disturbance in a very short time, thus leading to consider the group as indicative of environmental quality.
The biodiversity of Syllidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) was examined along the Brindisi coast (Adriatic Sea), an area previously poorly known concerning the Polychaete syntaxon. The finding of 5 species new for the Italian coast was enhanced.Sample period relative to the construction of Cerano power-station, allowed to point out some important changes within syllid assemblages, both in species composition and abundance. These changes were observed proceeding from the Southern area of Cerano to the Northern one. This orizontal gradient overlapped to the "normal" batimetric gradient. Syllid species seem to respond to disturbance in a very short time, thus leading to consider the group as indicative of environmental quality.
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